For employees

Depending on the non-EU country you come from and your nationality, you may have the right to work in an EU country if you meet certain requirements. We will inform you about different options and assist you in preparing all necessary immigration documents to Europe, such as applying for a visa or a residence permit.

Those who already have a residence permit in Europe may be able to travel and stay in other EU countries. Third-country nationals who hold a residence permit from a Schengen state may be in another EU member state for up to 90 days, even without engaging in gainful employment. If you wish to stay longer than 90 days, you must apply for a residence permit.

If you have held the EU Blue Card for at least 18 months in another EU member state, you can enter other EU member states without a visa for the purpose of taking up employment. After five years you can apply for permanent residence in Europe. All stays with the EU Blue Card that lasted 18 months or longer are taken into account. You must have been in the country where you are applying for permanent residence-EU for two years.

We will be happy to advise you on any questions arising in this connection.

Throughout the entire process, we will accompany and advise you until you receive a permanent settlement permit. Also included is support regarding professional recognition and preparation of all necessary documents for employment as well as support during the initial period.

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In various sectors, such as construction, IT or finance, healthcare or engineering services, the shortage of skilled workers has also reached Luxembourg. Persons from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland enjoy the so-called freedom of movement within the European Union. This means that you have the same rights on the labor market as Luxembourg nationals. However, the notification to the employment agency (ADEM) must be made.

Third-country nationals already residing in Luxembourg will no longer need a residence permit and will have free access to the labor market in the future. Companies must report vacancies to the ADEM and apply for the certificate entitling them to hire the person of their choice if the intention is to hire a person from a third country. The procedure will be even simpler in the near future.

Regardless of the labor shortage of a particular occupation, the certificate can be applied for at ADEM. If no suitable job-seeking person can be placed, the certificate is issued by ADEM within five working days. If ADEM determines that a job-seeking person who does not meet the required profile for the reported position, certificate application will be rejected within ten working days.

Third-country nationals require a residence permit stating whether and in what form gainful employment or occupation is permitted. The visa for the stay longer than 90 days (type D) must be applied for by the third-country nationals from their country of origin from a temporary work permit at the Immigration Department of the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Which procedure is relevant depends on the activity.

A residence permit is required for third-country nationals who:

  1. either live abroad and wish to settle in Luxembourg as an employee;
  2. or are already duly established in Luxembourg but do not work there but wish to take up an activity as an employee;
  3. or are already duly established and working in Luxembourg, but wish to make the switch to another industry for which they are not yet licensed.

The application for a residence permit must be submitted in person by the employee or by the authorized person. The temporary work permit must be applied for in advance by the prospective employee from a third country in his/her country of origin.

In addition, there are professions in Luxembourg that require recognition of educational qualifications or professional qualifications in order to practice (e.g. liberal professions, commercial professions, skilled trades, health care professions and social pedagogy professions).

Good language skills are mandatory in the Luxembourg labor market. The language used on the job can vary between Luxembourgish, French or German. In the financial sector, English is often the common working language.

Luxembourg offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist who will discuss all related questions and concerns with you.

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The shortage of skilled workers also affects France significantly and presents the country with a task with various challenges. In the wake of demographic change, France is also opening its doors to foreign skilled workers and inviting skilled workers from abroad to be part of the French labor market. The French immigration system is based on current needs.

Residence permit for France

If you want to live in France for more than one year and you are a non-EU citizen, you usually need to apply for a formal residence permit (carte de séjour) in addition to the long-term visa. If you are already in France, you have two months from your first entry to apply for this card.

People from outside the EU who wish to stay in France for more than 90 days must apply for a long-term visa. This visa is usually issued if you want to study, visit family or work in France. Reason for entry or destination determines what documents you need to attach to the application. EU citizens do not need to apply for a long-term visa to live in France for more than 90 days.

If a long-term visa (12-month stay) is granted, emigrants from the EU must register with the Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration (Office for Immigration and Integration in France) within the first three months of arrival. A desired extension can be made after 10 months if it is clear that the person wishes to stay longer than one year. For citizens from the EU, it is therefore relatively uncomplicated to obtain the documents.

Non-EU citizens, on the other hand, must go through a much more complex procedure. Jobs are limited for emigrants.

Eligibility for a work permit in France depends on employment status. Basically, it is necessary for emigrants to find employment before moving to France. This is much more difficult than interviewing locally. However, it is also possible for potential employers to obtain the permit.

The future employment contract (for longer than three months) must be approved by the French Ministry of Labor. Only then can the appointment be made to apply for the visa. Emigrants coming to France on a long-term work visa must register with the Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration.

There are also different work permits in France. Basically, the type also depends on the activity.

France offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist who will discuss all related questions and concerns with you.

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According to the BMWi, the fields of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (MINT) and the healthcare sector in Germany are particularly hard hit by the shortage of skilled workers.

What you need?

Professional Qualifications:

You can pursue skilled employment if you have a professional degree.

Work Experience:

You can immigrate and work if you have achieved a state-recognized professional qualification in your home country and have already been working for two years. Your professional qualification also does not have to be additionally recognized in Germany, which enables enormous time acceleration.

Opportunity map:

You can collect points for yourself for the purpose of finding a job. This card is also to become a residence permit (law newly passed on 23.06.2023). Points are awarded for various areas, such as your professional qualifications, language skills (German, English), experience in the profession, reference to Germany and your age, as well as life partner or spouse who moves with you.

Immigration from third countries

The immigration of qualified skilled workers from third countries is facilitated by the Skilled Workers Immigration Act. The recognition procedure will be shortened by the accelerated procedure, which will enable speedy processes.

College degree:

Anyone with a university degree has the opportunity to immigrate to Germany from third countries with an EU Blue Card. The circle of people will be larger, salary limits lower, occupations number expanded and even family reunion easier. Better mobility is added.

Vocational training or academic education:

These persons are entitled to a residence permit if all requirements are met.

Qualified professional degree or college degree:

These people are allowed to carry out any qualified employment in the non-regulated sector. Training and employment no longer have to be related.

IT specialists can also obtain an EU Blue Card without a degree but with professional experience.

It is also possible for persons from third countries to carry out the recognition procedure locally in Germany and to live here during this time. Employer and future employee make a corresponding commitment. Residence between one year and four years is possible. Persons who participate in an adaptation qualification or compensation measure in Germany can stay in the country for three years and additionally even have a secondary job of up to 20 hours a week. For six months the person can enter if the qualification analysis is necessary in the recognition procedure.

We check and advise you whether you can enter the country for employment in all non-regulated professions. Alternatively, a qualification from a German Chamber of Commerce abroad is sufficient under certain conditions. Formal recognition of the professional qualification in Germany is not required. IT specialists still do not need a degree. We advise you on access to the European labor market for skilled workers, on the settlement permit, on facilitations for family reunification, and on the employment of students and trainees.

We advise people from third countries who can enter with the new opportunity card to look for a job and whether the professional recognition plays a role. Only the professionals with full recognition receive the opportunity card, and do not have to meet any other requirements. Professionals without recognition must have a qualified professional or university degree recognized in the state of training. German (level A1) or English language skills (level B2) are required. For the opportunity card, you must achieve at least six points: for professional qualifications, language skills, work experience, reference to Germany and age.

Get advice about your options for working and living in Europe. Our experts will support you with questions about job searches, visas, recognition and learning a language. Get advice now.

The visa

Your purpose of travel and stay will determine which visa you need.

To distinguish the following types of visas:

  1. Visa to work as a professional,
  2. EU Blue Card,
  3. Visa for IT professionals,
  4. Visa for people who are looking for a job,
  5. Visa for recognition of foreign professional qualifications,
  6. Visa to complete vocational training,
  7. Self-employment visa,
  8. Visa to study,
  9. Research visa,
  10. Visa for language acquisition,
  11. Internship Visa.

Special regulations apply to artists, professional drivers, professional athletes and language teachers. You do not need a visa or residence permit if you want to work in Germany and are a citizen of the EU/EFTA countries. Also if you come from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland (EFTA states).

Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the USA can enter Germany without a visa. You apply for the residence permit for employment in Germany before you start working. If you do not want to wait and want to start working quickly, apply in advance.

All other third-country nationals must apply for a visa at the responsible German embassy or consulate before entering the country.

The residence permit

There are different types of temporary and permanent residence permits:

  1. Residence permit: this is a temporary residence permit, which is purpose-bound. This purpose can be: Education (§§ 16 ff. AufenthG), gainful employment (§§ 18 ff. AufenthG) or for other reasons provided for in the law (cf. §§ 22 ff., 27 ff. AufenthG). Different requirements apply here.
  2. ICT card: The intra-corporate transfer card (ICT card) is also a temporary residence title. This allows companies to send employees from third countries who work in a branch of the company outside the EU to branches within the EU, Section 19 Residence Act.
  3. Mobiler-ICT card: If an employee of a company already has a residence permit from the other EU member state for the purpose of an intra-corporate transfer, the Mobiler-ICT card can be considered for the stay in Germany for this purpose (§ 19b AufenthG).
  4. EU Blue Card: Highly qualified workers receive this card and can then live and work in Germany for a certain period of time. Is there a possibility to receive a blue card EU.
  5. Visa: The visa is temporary. Short-term and long-term visas are possible (see in detail under visas).
  6. Permit for permanent residence – EU: this is an unlimited residence title (§ 9a AufenthG). Included is unrestricted mobility within the EU.
  7. Settlement permit: This is an unlimited residence title (§ 9 AufenthG). You can have permanent residence in Germany and work here.
  8. Opportunity Map: In June 2023, the Act on the Further Development of the Skilled Worker Immigration Act was passed. Chancenkarte is to be introduced as a new residence title. A points system will apply. Points are awarded for various areas, such as your professional qualifications, language skills (German, English), experience in the profession, reference to Germany and your age as well as life partner or spouse who moves with you.

The Aliens Employment Act regulates opportunities for persons from third countries who wish to work in Austria.

A combination of work and residence permit is required. Different combinations are conceivable, such as employment with a specific employer (Red-White-Red Card) or free access to the entire labor market (Red-White-Red Card plus, Permanent Residence – EU) or a labor market authority authorization (employment permit) in addition to their residence permit (e.g. students) or visa (e.g. seasonal workers). The residence and settlement of third-country nationals are regulated by the Settlement and Residence Act (NAG), the Aliens Police Act (FPG) and the Asylum Act (AsylG). Various residence titles can be applied for by persons from third countries.

According to § 8. Settlement and Residence Act (version of 17.09.2023) there are several types and forms of residence permits:

  1. Residence title “Red-White-Red – Card” allows temporary settlement for the purpose of gainful employment
  2. Residence title “Red-White-Red – Card plus” permits temporary settlement for the purpose of self-employment and dependent employment
  3. The “EU Blue Card” residence permit enables temporary residence and, without prejudice to Section 20d Para. 2a AuslB, and the exercise of gainful employment for which a written notification has been prepared in accordance with Section 20d Para. 1 Z 5 AuslBG
  4. “Settlement permit” allows temporary residence and self-employment
  5. “Settlement permit – except for gainful employment” allows temporary settlement without taking up gainful employment
  6. “Settlement permit – relative” allows temporary residence without taking up employment
  7. Residence permit “Permanent residence – EU” allows unlimited right of residence, without prejudice to the period of validity of the document
  8. The “family member” residence permit allows temporary residence, with the possibility of subsequently obtaining a “permanent residence – EU” residence permit (Z 7).
  9. The residence permit “Settlement Permit – Artist” allows temporary residence and the pursuit of employed employment, for which a written notification has been drawn up in accordance with Section 20d Para. 1 Z 6 AuslBG, or is entitled to self-employment
  10. Residence permit “Settlement permit – special cases of employed employment” allows temporary residence and employment that is excluded from the scope of application of the AuslBG in accordance with Section 1 (2) lit for internal affairs in accordance with Section 43b Paragraph 2
  11. The “settlement permit – researcher” residence permit allows temporary residence and employment for a research institution
  12. “Residence permit” allows a temporary, limited stay in the federal territory for a specific purpose (§§ 58 to 69)
  13. Residence permit “Article 50 EUV” enables temporary or permanent residence and the pursuit of self-employed or employed employment

A category D residence visa (valid for six months) can be applied for if a highly qualified third-country national wants to look for work in Austria. This means that a potential employment contract does not even have to exist when you enter the country. Special qualifications must be presented. The fee for such an application is usually €150.00. If the person then finds employment within the period of validity of the visa, an application for a residence permit can be submitted.

If a third-country national has been granted a visa to look for a job, a new application is only permitted twelve months after leaving the federal territory. Austria offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist to discuss with you all the questions and concerns related to it.

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The shortage of skilled workers does not leave Italy unaffected either.

Several companies suffer from desired but lacking qualified specialists. According to the Italian platform Excelsior, there is a particularly high demand for workers in the food, mechanical engineering and electronics sectors as well as in the service sector such as tourism and trade as well as the construction industry. Non-EU nationals living in Italy do not need a visa for tourist stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Your valid national passport/travel document for foreigners and a valid Italian residence permit are sufficient.

Work permit for Italy

The work permit must be applied for if foreigners who are not citizens of an EU member state want to live and work in Italy. First, Italian employers must apply for a hiring permit (nulla osta al lavoro) for foreign employees at the nearest immigration office. Only then can foreign employees apply for an Italian work permit. If the applicant receives an entry visa, they are entitled to either travel to Italy to apply for a work permit or to apply for a work permit in their home country.

Depending on their nationality, the person can enter the country first and then apply for permission. However, all persons must report this to the relevant immigration authority within eight days of their arrival in Italy. There are different types of work permits (usually for one year). Applicants must also make an agreement with the Italian Ministry of the Interior and commit to, for example, fulfilling certain integration goals (language courses). Italy offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist who will discuss all related questions and concerns with you. Get advice now.

Qualified workers are also being sought in Belgium. The shortage of skilled workers can be seen in several professional groups.

In the skilled trades, these are primarily the construction and construction-related professions. Professions in corporate administration, social work, educators or teachers and others are also severely affected. Basically, in Belgium, a potential employer obtains a work permit for a specific person from abroad. In Belgium, non-European citizens also have to be able to show a work permit in order to be legally employed in the country.

There are three different options for emigrants:

Work permit

Type A

This is a long-term permit for foreigners who have worked legally in the country for four consecutive years.

Type B

This is the typical permit and is limited to one year. Extensions must be applied for one month before the first work permit expires.

Type C

This permit is also valid for one year and is usually granted to foreigners who are only staying in Belgium temporarily, e.g. B. Students who want to work or refugees. Belgium offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist who will discuss with you all the questions and concerns that arise in this context.

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The Netherlands is taking a needs-based approach to the shortage of skilled workers. The option of immigration is primarily available to highly qualified people or to those skilled workers who already have an employer in the country. Specific minimum income thresholds serve as barriers to entry.

Residence permit for the Netherlands

If you are a non-EU citizen, you need a residence permit if you intend to stay in the Netherlands for longer than three months. A residence permit is usually issued for one year.

After arrival, a residence permit must be applied for within a few days at the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Authority.

EU citizens, on the other hand, do not need a residence permit, but must register if they intend to live in the Netherlands for longer than four months.

After arriving in the Netherlands, foreigners should register with their local municipality and apply for a Citizen Service Number (BSN). Only those who have this number can work in the Netherlands. This number must also be presented when opening a bank account or taking out insurance.

Foreigners can also apply for a permanent residence permit. The prerequisite is that the person has lived in the Netherlands for five years without interruption. Once they have a residence permit, they no longer need an employer-sponsored work permit.

Netherlands offers many different options for living and working here. Depending on the case, we have the right specialist who will discuss all related questions and concerns with you. Get advice now.

Source: Business Service Portal; Allianz Care; Frontaliers Grand Est.